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For these great new add-ons designed to expand the power of your database solution

SUNRISE Research
(the "Truth Seeker Collection")

Avid gardeners and plant lovers will find this one useful. Use it to organise all your intimate knowledge and information about your favourite plants. Store your garden design plans, and more.

Centralised around a library information management system consisting of a digital storage and search solution for electronic documents or as a library catalogue system for paper-based resources. You will have a plethora of reference tables and conversion tools you might need for your research or line of work. Includes Dewey Decimal Classifications (DDC), Library of Congress Classifications (LCC) scheme, Book Industry Standards And Communications (BISAC), Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI), and links to RDA and MARC, so you know exactly where to find the information and how to organise your catalogue system. For everyone else, just search and read. How much simpler can it be?

Grab your license key. We will send you the files via email.